Senin, 19 Desember 2011

the giant in a broad daylight !

Meet me again ♥
How's life ? Hope you're fine inside and outside. Okay , Today's post is about my activity which happened two days ago. My boyfriend , Mas Na , told me that he missed me really bad and wanted to meet me during this weekend. I think we have the same sense. I also miss him so much :(
He opened the conversation by asking me to do exercise with him and his brother, Dek Gandang. Oh I forgot to tell about the result of dek Gandang's birthday surprise ... Guess what?? It was succeed. thank youuu Jesus.   And I agreed with his plan. However, our plan were threatened to fail remember that I was not allowed to leave home early morning  ..  Okay, but he picked me up at 11.30 am not at 09.00 am . WHY?? It can not be denied, behind his  perfection, he  have crowned as "King  of Ngaret" once at school. A lie indeed. But, his lateness sometimes cannot make a sense. It could be 2 till 3 hours. Sometime I'm angry with him, but I do not have the heart b'cause I love him. I think he must have a reasonable reason of  his unreasonable tardiness. At 11.30 he took me to the museum. He said he would review the layout of the statue. Yep a big statue of Stegodon (the ancient elephant). He designed it by himself. As his girlfriend it goes without saying I'm very  proud of  him  :)  However, he said he just reviewed the statue but actually he repainted it. I guessed it only took a few minutes remember during that day we had another plan and the most important thing I have not been to church. But , he is a clever boy. he  managed  the time smoothly so we could go to church and also having our lunch in WS (Waroeng Steak) arigato :)

*Well, I forgot to tell you. I got a pair of sunglasses from him. He also bought three glasses for Himself, his mom and dek gandang.
Here I add some pictures when me and mas na were in museum Rangga Warsita two days ago and my new sunglasses also. Enjoy it. 
So yummy food at Waroeng Steak :)
Hola.. my new Sunglasses from mas na :)
mas na repainted the stegodon's statue
is located in Semarang :))

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