Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

Random day

Hay pals !!!
I miss you. I'm a bit stress right now, everybody is asking me when will I graduate. 
day by day is getting hard for me to explain to them.
and I am getting tired as well.

I am not going to talk about that tonight.
I just want to share my silly photos that I took two days ago.
trust me, if you really get bored of something, just take a silly photos.
it will reduce your stresses in a while. it works!LOL

I'm sorry the photos were not in a good quality ^^
one thing that I like about those my self web cam is that my hair looks really great.
yeah it's a lil bit narcissist but I've never have a good hair day look.
and I'm happy with my long bangs.
see you on next posting pals!

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