Rabu, 30 April 2014

Graduation day

Good evening pals !
It's time to post something in bahasa.
I know it will be difficult for some of you to understand the language (bahasa Indonesia),
 but maybe if I have a time, I will translate it into English version.
Here we go....

Tanggal 26 Februari 2014 adalah momen besar dalam hidup saya dimana pada tanggal itu saya diwisuda.
 Momen ini terasa penuh makna karena orangtua, sahabat dan kekasih datang untuk melihat saya diwisuda. 
Jujur saja, sebenarnya saya cukup terharu dengan kehadiran kekasih saya di hari itu. 
Saya bisa melihat perjuangannya untuk menemani saya.
Ia rela bangun lebih pagi, mandi pagi, dan berangkat pagi untuk menjemput saya supaya saya tidak terlambat dan menemani saya dari awal hingga akhir acara. Menurut saya itu manis sekali.
Ia juga membawakan saya bunga mawar warna merah muda yang ia beli malam hari sebelumnya tanpa memberi tahu saya sebelumnya. hahaha. 

Dua hal yang saya rasakan di hari itu, senang dan capek.
Jujur saya, dalam sehari saya menjalani dua perayaan wisuda. 
Jam 7 pagi di universitas dan Jm 1 siang di fakultas.
Sebenarnya saya tidak bisa merasakan momen wisuda itu sendiri.  Rasa haru ketika memindahkan toga,  menerima ijazah,  berfoto bersama keluarga dan orang-orang terkasih, hampir tidak ada. 
Saya sangat capek dan cukup pucat di  hari itu.
Yang saya pikirkan waktu itu adalah kapan saya bisa pulang, istirahat, dan bertemu kekasih saya, karena kami tidak bisa duduk bersama. Wisudawan dan wisudawati sudah punya nomor duduk sendiri baik di universitas maupun fakultas yang itu berarti sejak dari awal acara di universitas sampai fakultas berakhir, saya terpisah dengan mas na, kekasih saya.  

Di tengah kecapekan yang melanda tentunya ada perasaan senang dan mood yang cukup baik dimana saya dapat diwisuda bersama teman-teman terdekat saya. Kami ber 8 adalah sebuah kabinet begitu kami menyebut kelompok kami, yang selalu bersama dari awal semester hingga akhir semester. Kami saling memberi semangat,  bahu membahu, berbagi cerita, berbagi pengalaman, singkat cerita kami bisa dibilang cukup akrab.
Begitu banyak peristiwa yang saya alami bersama teman teman terdekat saya itu. Dan mungkin itu menjadi memori indah bagi saya yang bisa saya kenang dalam perjalanan hidup saya ke depan.
Semoga setelah ini, kami semua bisa mengejar impian dan cita-cita kami masing-masing dan tetap menjadi diri kami sendiri seperti saat kami memulai cerita-cerita kami saat masih menjadi kabinet dulu. hahaha.

Jadi setelah acara wisuda berakhir, mas na mengajak saya ke sebuah cafe bernama koenakoeni.
Tempat itu sungguh asyik dan memiliki pemandangan yang cukup wah, hanya ada beberapa pengunjung yang datang untuk sekedar menikmati pemandangan, minum kopi atau berfoto. Karena memang cafe tersebut bisa dibilang cukup unik, mengingat interiornya yang di desain jawa klasik. Banyak berbagai perabotan, furniture hingga alat musik kuno ditata sedemikian rupa, sehingga memberikan kesan homy yang hangat namun menawan.

Kami menghabiskan waktu kami untuk mengambil foto bersama di koenakoeni. Jujur saja, itu adalah pertama kalinya bagi saya berada di sebuah cafe yang menurut saya mahal. Atau bisa dibilang sangat mahal. 
Saya rasa saya pantas mendapatkannya untuk sebuah momen yang sangat jarang kali bisa terjadi setahun sekali. CHEERS.

Dan ini adalah foto foto wisuda saya....

bunga cantik ini dari sang pujaan hati :)

finally Agasta Sonya Pase S.S

me and my beloved man, mas na

saya bersama salah satu teman terdekaaat saya, nidya

saya bersama salah satu teman terdekat seperjuangan saya, Vany
saya bersama kedua orang tua saya, Mr. and Mrs. Sukiswo
teman teman terbaik saya yang sangat down to earth dan smart
our kabinet gotong obong tarera rera
koenakoeni celebration with my beloved man, mas na

Jumat, 25 April 2014

Girls day

Hola everybody
It's been so long that I haven't had my time to post something in this blog *cry
My apology, I have been so busy lately until I cannot do something like blogging :(
I miss you already guys ...........!

Well.....actually this event (girls day) has happened a long time ago before I graduated.
 but It was such a good  memories to me that I really wanna share with you also. So.. let's begin.
two weeks before the ceremony graduation, me and my college friends ( ina, vany, and nurul) decided to learn about applying the make up. It was so much funnn. 
Yes of course, especially for me because I  do loveee the make up. A lot! 
You know what guys, I have been loving this activity since I was a child and dream that someday I could be a professional makeup artist (hopefully). 
I love making people beautiful and convincing them that they will be so much prettier through the makeup touch although they were born beautifully.
During that day, we have learned the basic rules of applying the make up.
The first step of all, we were applying a moisturizer with SPF to help our concealer glide on smoothly.
then we used concealer only where we need it, like on under eye circles and blemishes.
To get perfectly even skin, we used a foundation. we blended the foundation over our faces and down onto our necks using our fingers because the heat from our hands will warm up the foundation and help it glide.  
The next step was shading and sculpting cheekbones with a brush and powder.  we were applying it to the apples of our cheeks and the fast way to find it is by smiling  Smile ^_^
Next, we used bronze and eye shadows (both are in that same Revlon palette) to give eyes more depth. I think it is the most difficult part for me. I am really suck at this part.
For more intensity, we rimmed  our upper lash lines with a black liner pencil and smudge it upward with the shadow brush. we finished the step with two coats of mascara,  on top and bottom—focusing on the outer lashes with the top of the wand. 
Using a strawberry-color lipstick, like Revlon, straight from the tube, we applied it to the center of our mouth (make a kissy face!)  Ta-da, we’re done!  
without noticeably we've spent 2 hours practicing  our own makeup. haahaha.  
then we took lots of pictures together..... and here is the result......

Jumat, 20 Desember 2013

My final project examination

Last tuesday ago was the day of my final project examination. It was such a random day to me because my feelings were mixed up. I was both happy and sad during that time. I was happy because l passed the exam, but I was sad also because my final project was full of revision. My concern now is for preparing the christmas events. I will post it later with the photos hahaha. Forget to tell you, I also received  the BEAUTIFUL gift from my bestie nurul. It was wonderful and wowwww.... I can't describe how happy I am. It's not just about the gift but the important thing that I really appreciate it was her sincerety. She always gives me such a sweet memories to be remembered. Ah nurul honey dear darla, I heart you so ♡
Not just to Nurul, my special gratitude also goes to my family especially mom and dad. I can't do anything without them. Mom, I know you really really love me so much, till you give me everything you have when you don't have anything. I love you mom. My dad also, he is my superhero, my king, and I really love him much. He never teased me, insulted me, and he has his own way to love me as her daughter. Vany for her kindness, support, and her magnificient ideas to help me when I'm down and confused. I really wanna have a picture together with vany, nurul and arum. Hopefully I can fullfil my desire hahaha. I think that's enough for today's post. See you on the next post guyss ^^

Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

Random day

Hay pals !!!
I miss you. I'm a bit stress right now, everybody is asking me when will I graduate. 
day by day is getting hard for me to explain to them.
and I am getting tired as well.

I am not going to talk about that tonight.
I just want to share my silly photos that I took two days ago.
trust me, if you really get bored of something, just take a silly photos.
it will reduce your stresses in a while. it works!LOL

I'm sorry the photos were not in a good quality ^^
one thing that I like about those my self web cam is that my hair looks really great.
yeah it's a lil bit narcissist but I've never have a good hair day look.
and I'm happy with my long bangs.
see you on next posting pals!

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